

List Chips

GET /v2/chips

attributesSpecifies which attributes to retrieve. Can include values like 'serial', 'number', 'carrier', 'service_provider', and 'batch'. If null, retrieves all information.
includesSpecifies related entities to include in the query. Contains arrays for 'device' and 'enterprise', each with its own set of possible values, such as 'name', 'imei', 'code' for the 'device' array, and 'name', 'cnpj' for the 'enterprise' array.
filtersSpecifies filters for various fields such as 'chips.serial', 'chips.number', 'chips.carrier', 'chips.service_provider', 'chips.batch', '', 'device.imei', 'device.code', '', 'enterprise.cnpj'. Each filter field supports conditions like 'eq', 'neq', 'ilk', 'ew', 'sw'.
searchSpecifies the search query with a maximum length of 100 characters.
limitSpecifies the maximum number of results to return. Must be a number between 1 and 100.
pageSpecifies the page number for paginated results. Must be a number greater than or equal to 0.
countIndicates whether to include the total count of results in the response.
sortSpecifies sorting criteria for 'number' and 'serial' fields. Values can be -1 (descending order) or 1 (ascending order).


200OKDefault Response
400Bad RequestBad Request

Create Chip

POST /v2/chips


  "body": {
    "data": [
        "attributes": {
          "serial": "8996543747544368975",
          "number": "55319938457737",
          "carrier": "Softruck",
          "service_provider": "Vivo",
          "batch": "Batch 13"
        "relationships": {
          "enterprise": {
            "type": "enterprise",
            "id": "123456789012345"
dataArray of objects containing data attributes and relationships.true
attributesObject containing attributes related to the data.true
- serialString named after the serial number of the data. It must be maximum length of 20 characters, consisting only of digits.true
- numberString named after the number attribute of the data. It must be maximum length of 20 characters, consisting only of digits.true
- carrierString named after the carrier attribute of the data. It can contain maximum length of 255 characters.false
- service_providerString named after the service provider attribute of the data. It must be maximum length of 50 characters.true
- batchString named after the batch attribute of the data. It can contain maximum length of 50 characters.false
relationshipsObject containing relationship data.false
- enterpriseObject that represents the relationship with an enterprise.false
- typeString named after the type of relationship.true
- idString named after the ID of the enterprise. It must be length of 15 characters, consisting of alphanumeric characters (uppercase and lowercase letters, and digits).true


200OKDefault Response
400Bad RequestOne of 'Chip Already Exists', 'Chip Enterprise Data Required' or 'Validation Failed'

This operation does not require authentication

Delete Chips

DELETE /v2/chips


  "body": {
    "data": [
        "type": "chips",
        "id": "ABC1234567890DEF"
        "type": "chips",
        "id": "GHI9876543210JKL"
dataArray containing objects representing data items to be deleted.
typeString that specifies the type of data to be deleted.true
idString named after a length of 15 alphanumeric characters (uppercase and lowercase letters, and digits).true


200OKDefault Response
400Bad RequestOne of 'Bad Request', 'Cannot Delete Chip(s)', 'Softruck Chip's Cannot Be Deleted'
404Not FoundNot Found

This operation does not require authentication

Show Chip

GET /v2/chips/{id}

attributesAn array of strings specifying the attributes of the chips to be returned in the response, such as 'serial', 'number', 'carrier', 'service_provider', and 'batch'.
includesSpecifies related entities to include in the query. Contains arrays for 'device' and 'enterprise', each with its own set of possible values, such as 'name', 'imei', 'code' for the 'device' array, and 'name', 'cnpj' for the 'enterprise' array.


200OKDefault Response
400Bad RequestBad Request
404Not FoundNot Found

This operation does not require authentication

Update Chips

PATCH /v2/chips/{id}


  "body": {
    "data": {
      "attributes": {
        "serial": "12345678901234567890",
        "number": "55319938457737",
        "carrier": "Softruck",
        "service_provider": "Vivo",
        "batch": "Batch 13"
      "relationships": {
        "enterprise": {
          "type": "enterprise",
          "id": "123456789012345"
dataArray of objects containing data attributes and relationships.true
attributesObject containing data-related attributes.true
- serialString of characters named after to the Integrated Circuit Card Identifier (ICCID), which is an 18 to 22 digit number usually printed on the back of a SIM card.true
- numberString of characters named after to the Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number (MSISDN).true
- carrierString of characters named after to the line operator. Can contain a maximum length of 255 characters.false
- service_providerString of characters named after to the service provider. Must have a maximum length of 50 characters.true
- batchString of characters named after to the data batch attribute. Can contain a maximum length of 50 characters.false
relationshipsObject containing relationship data.false
- enterpriseObject representing the relationship with a company.false
- typeString of characters named after to the relationship type.true
- idString of characters named after to the company ID. Must have a length of 15 characters, composed of alphanumeric characters (uppercase and lowercase letters and digits).true


200OKDefault Response
400Bad RequestOne of 'Bad Request', 'Cannot Update Chip(s)', 'Cannot Update Chip`s Enterprise With a Not Child Enterprise Owner'

This operation does not require authentication